Thursday, October 12, 2006

*MySpace Blog Entry*

Greetings everyone!

I have just finished reading a blog that someone I admire has been writing. Basically it is his journey, based on a *free* report that Stuart Goldsmith, Hanman Associates Ltd had written.

Normally I would never seek to copycat something that someone has put so much effort into creating, however I do not see this as a copy, but more as an addition of my own personal journey.

The essence of this journey is "How to Double Your Way to One £Million in 28 Steps" as written by the said author above.

*NOTE* You can find this free report by clicking the following link:
How to Double Your Way to One Million in 28 steps - Stuart Goldsmith
[PDF format]

The Objective: To double your money to a million in 28 easy steps starting with absolutly zero.

The Prize: There are more, but the two major ones are as follows:
1.) $1,000,000.00 Dollars!
2.) (MOST IMPORTANT) A vault of incredible expierences and knowlege. Lessons learned, and a story to tell your Grandchildren!

The Rules: These must be followed EXACTLY! You can find a complete set of all 13 rules in the free-report from the link above.

If you find this interesting to you, and you want to learn more, I encourage you to JOIN me in this quest.

My suggestions for starters:
1.) Download the PDF file of the free-report. Read everything that's written, including the RULES, very carefully and determine if this is something you wish to undertake.

2.) Visit this website:
This site was written by Xinfinitum on his past, up to current, course of events on his personal journey. He is on step 15.

3.) Visit this website:
This site was written by me and will be my testimony as I travel my personal quest and adventure. I am starting this journey as of now.

4.) Make your choice. If you decide to do it, then stick with it. Don't falter, and don't let temptation miss-guide you. If you are interested, send me a message and I would be happy to discuss things with you.

In conclusion: This is meant to be more than simply earning yourself a million dollars. The idea is that you are on this path, this adventure that is LIFE. It will help you descover things about yourself that you've never known, or even thought about. It will help bring your gifts and talents to the forefront.

This journey is not for the end result, it is for the road traveled, and the friends and experiences you find on the way.

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